10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board 2025

According to the current informations, whole the Punjab boards decleared 10th class result 2025. where candidate appeared in the final annual Examination of Multan board from 1 March  2025. Each exam board supply the date sheet to the candidates one month before to the annual exams. Students waiting for the result of the 10th class result of BISE Multan board 2025, will be decleared 20 July 2025. Continue to examine, EduHQ For all Pakistan boards’ results, like 9th class result, 10th class result, 11th class result (First year) and 12th class result (2nd year). Let’s examine 11th class result 2025.

10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board
CategoryDetailsAdditional Notes
Result DeclarationScheduled for 20 July 2025, at 10:00 am local timeLocal time is applicable for the announcement.
Exam Start DateExams commence on 1 March 2025Exams span a period of approximately one month.
Total StudentsApproximately 5 million students expected to participateEstimate based on enrollment trends from previous years.
Participating Boards9 Boards in Punjab, 4 in KPK, 1 in Balochistan, 1 in AJK, 5 in SindhIncludes boards overseeing both Matric and Intermediate levels.
Position HoldersPosition holders revealed one day before the result announcement by all boardsRecognizes top achievers across various subjects and regions.
Result AccessAvailable online, via SMS, and through respective educational institutionsRequires student’s roll number and date of birth for online access.
Governing AuthorityManaged by respective BISEs (Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education)Boards administer examinations for both science and arts streams.

Pakistan’s educational exam boards are still to decleare 10th class result for the session 2025. But, whole the examination boards decleared their date of exams. Students of matriculation can examine result and also the percentage of their annual year, after the result of matriculation declearation. Percentage can be examine online of every concern board where candidate belongs to, on other hand the data concern to Lahore board, the matriculation percentage of 2021 was 98.56. Examine BISE Gujranwala board 2nd year class result.

Punjab Board

Whole Pakistan Punjab examination boards comprising, BISE Gujranwala, BISE Lahore, BISE Faisalabad, BISE Multan, BISE Rawalpindi, BISE Sahiwal, BISE Bahawalpur are having intention to announce matriculation result 2025 in 20 July 2025. As per recent report the schedule for the 10th class final result 2025 has been confirmed by the Punjab education ministry or the authorities of the Punjab educational boards. Student can use Name, while searching the Punjab board result, like 9th class, 10th class, 11th class and 12th class. Let’s examine 9th class result multan board.

BISE Multan Board

Under the supervision of BISE Multan board, the BISE Multan 10th class date sheet for the session of 2025, was announced from 1 March 2025. Where thousands of students appeared in final examination of multan board. Students who are registered in BISE Multan Board and are look for result of 10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board 2025, they can examine online while using the formal website of BISE Multan. The result  for Multan board 10th class result 2025 will be decleared in 20 July 2025 as reported by Multan board. Examine BISE Lahore Board 10th year class result 2025.

Result DateJuly 20, 2025Available from 10:00 AM
Exams StartedMarch 1, 2025Check official timetable
Total Students110,002Includes regular and private
Regions CoveredMultan, Vehari, Lodhran, KhanewalContact schools for region-specific queries
Max Marks550Theory, practical, and internal assessments
Result AccessOnline, SMS, schoolsFor SMS, send roll number to designated number
Websiteweb.bisemultan.edu.pkCheck for updates and notifications
Board InfoEstablished in 1968, conducts SSC and HSSC examsEnsures transparency and fairness in exams

Punjab board Multan is one of those examination board, which is responsible for conducting and controlling the results and other concern activities like paper rechecking, supplemental exams, result remission, board migration/NOC and many more. But, Multan board was started in the year 1968. Where thousand of students take exams of  Secondary School Certificate and Higher Secondary School Certificate each year. 

How to examine 10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board 2025

Examining result in today’s technology age is not much difficult as it was in past. Candidate can examine BISE Multan 10th class result 2025, while using the four ways. which are discussed under.

  • Roll Number
  • SMS
  • Name
  • Gazette
How to check 10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board

Students can also examine Multan board matriculation results online as well as offline as using the ahead ways. Not only for this All Pakistan education boards can use these ways to examine results. Here are some of them

BISE Gujranwala BoardBISE Faisalabad BoardBISE Lahore BoardBISE Multan BoardBISE Bahawalpur Board, BISE Sargodha BoardBISE DG Khan BoardBISE Peshawar BoardBISE Swat BoardBISE Karachi BoardBISE Hyderabad BoardBISE Sukkur BoardBISE Larkana Board, BISE Aga Khan Board, BISE Abbottabad BoardBISE Quetta BoardBISE AJK Board, BISE Sahiwal BoardBISE Bannu BoardBISE Mardan BoardBISE DI Khan Board.

By Entering the Roll Number on the formal Website

Examine 10th class result through roll number, which is the first way of examine result. Let’s check the steps for Roll Number under, how to examine your result. Here you go!

  • Go to the formal website of Multan Board.
  • Here is the link (https://web.bisemultan.edu.pk/).
  • Explore for result.
  • Select the “Secondary School Certificate Part-II Annual Examination 2025”
  • Click on “10th class result
  • Write Roll Number
  • Choose the year (2025)
  • Explore result

Through Messaging Your Roll Number Search a Matriculation Result Multan Board

Examine 10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board 2025 through SMS, is the 2nd method, which is commonly known as offline way, where student use specific code to examine  Multan board 10th class result 2025. Students use to examine result through SMS, when they don’t have facilty to internet at their home or having problem in their internet connection at their villages. Let’s check the steps under for SMS way, while examine results of all examination boards.

  • Take a Mobile Phone (Samsung Galaxy, Nokia, iphone) etc.
  • Visit to the SMS application.
  • Write Roll No in message app body.
  • Send it to 800292.
  • Within 15 minutes you will receive confirmation about 10th class result 2025.

Note:  Students must use an active sim card in own mobile phone. If you have an issue with your network, please contact the following services companies. Which are listed below.

By Entering Your Name on the Website Check 10th class Result

Candidates can examine 10th class result through name, when student misplace or forgot Roll number. Those candidates who desire to examine BISE Multan Board 10th Class Result 2025 also use this way. Let’s check the steps under.

  • Visit to the formal website of BISE Multan.
  • Here is the formal link (https://web.bisemultan.edu.pk/).
  • Explore for result, means 10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board 2025.
  • Select “Secondary School Certificate Part-II Annual Examination 2025”
  • Write Name, instead of Roll No.
  • Write Father’s Name.
  • Examine result.

By Gazette Search Multan Board Result Matriculation

Examine matriculation result by gazette which is considered as the last way of examine results. For such type of way candidate required to download pdf format from Google or Google play store in order to examine  matriculation Multan board result. Gazette result is available on formal website of related exam board for all public and private candidates. Let’s use the steps under, to examine 10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board 2025.

  • Visit to the formal website of BISE Multan.
  • Here is the link for (https://web.bisemultan.edu.pk/).
  • Explore for result.
  • Select the “Secondary School Certificate Part-II Annual Examination 2025”
  • Select the download gazette option
  • Download 10th class result multan board.
  • Explore your result by typing.
  • Roll No, Name, Father’s Name.

BISE Multan Board 10th Class Result 2025 Gazette pdf

Students can easily download 10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board 2025 Gazette pdf on EduHQ, when decleared by BISE Multan board. As the result of 10th class is expected to decleared on 20 July 2025.

BISE Multan Board 10th Year Class Result 2024 Gazette pdf

Let’s examine BISE Multan Board 10th Year Class Result 2024 Gazette pdf by clicking the button under.

How Can a Candidate Request Rechecking Following a Bad Result?

Any one anywhere in life, concern to anything if not interest in it he will find the solution to become satisfy with life. But, if a candidate is not well pleased with  10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board 2025 can to put in application for a paper rechecking. Where students can apply online for paper rechecking to recheck his choosed papers from the examination board, means BISE Multan Board. The paper rechecking involves recounting of marks in answer sheets of exam. If an error or mistake found in the exam sheets marks will be added in candidates answer copy else not. He/She will be remain with same marks as they obtained.

Let’s explain the steps for paper rechecking of 10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board 2025. Here you go!

  • Open the website of BISE Multan
  • Here is the link for BISE Multan board (https://web.bisemultan.edu.pk/).
  • Open the Rechecking option
  • Search for “Paper rechecking” option on website.
  • Write your roll number and other details
  • Write Roll No, Name, Father’s Name and other needed data
  • Choose the book paper you want to recheck
  • Select the books, you desire to recheck from BISE Multan board
  • Submit the fee
  • Rs. 1000 for per paper rechecking and Rs. 100 for Form.
  • Complete the form
  • Carefully complete your form with accurate data and attach result card with it
  • Send the form to BISE Multan
  • After completing all the data, send your all documents to exam board online or TCS or courier.
  • Wait for a answer
  • BISE Multan will inform about your paper rechecking, they will show you data and time on website or through SMS.

Verification of Matriculation Result/Certificate

Those students who desire to study abroad or going to other countries through scholarships or having golden chance of jobs somewhere. They required Verification of the Matriculation Result or Certificate, the verification of certificate validates candidate authentication, that he/she is qualified from recognition institute.

Let’s explain the process of verification for matriculation certificate or result card below.

  • Go to the formal website BISE Multan Board.
  • Using formal website Multan board for finding the options for verification.
  • Verification of Matriculation certificate
  • It includes two passport – size photos and Father’s ID card, means NIC.
  • Verification Form
  • Candidate must fill out the form completely as data needed.
  • Verification fee
  • Submit fee for the verification of certificate.

Remember: Candidates can use TCS or Pakistan to Verification of Matriculation Result/Certificate, where student has to submit fee for TCS to send his/her required documents for Multan board for verification.

Verification of Matric Result/Certificate

Certificate Verification Fee Structure

Nature of FeeFeeProcessing Time
Verification within Pakistan2500 Rs.7-10 business days
Verification within Pakistan via Courier2500 Rs. + Courier fee7-10 business days
Verification from abroad5000 Rs.10-15 business days
Verification from abroad via Courier5000 Rs. + Courier fee10-15 business days

How to Apply for Supplemental Exam After Terrible Result?

Those students who failed or get low marks in the Matriculation exam of 10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board 2025 can apply for the supplemental exam. Supplemental exams is another golden chance for students to make better or pass the failed books. Candidates can apply online for supplemental exams of BISE Multan board.

Let’s explain under the steps for supplemental exam under:

  1. Open BISE Multan Board website.
  2. Here is the link for Multan board (https://web.bisemultan.edu.pk/)
  3. Select online portal.
  4. Select “Supplemental Exam”
  5. Choose Supplemental form.
  6. Write the information, like roll number, name, father’s name.
  7. Choose the books you desire to appear for in the supplemental exam.
  8. Submit fee through the available online payment options.
  9. Submit the application form.

Note: When the ahead update is completed, the board will issue the roll number slip, which the candidates need to download and take a printout. 

Students can use the following services supplied by banks for numerous aggrements about to exam boards, including paper rechecking payment, result remission payment, board migration, and online fee submission. Let’s examine online our required service under.

  • Exam enrollment payment
  • Paper rechecking payment
  • Result reapprisal payment
  • Result remission payment
  • Board migration fees
  • Duplicate certificate fees
  • Transcript fees

Here is the official links of banks, where you can sort out your problem related to your service.

Habib Bank Limited (HBL), United Bank Limited (UBL) Meezan BankBank of Punjab (BOP), Allied Bank Limited (ABL).

Remember: If marks added or not in rechecking paper answer sheets, candidate fee will not be refund.

School and Board Migration 

Board or School migration means changing of School, College, University or another education sector. Students who desire to change exam board Multan to another board. Student has to follow the below steps to complete the migration of board.

  • Go to the formal website of Multan board.
  • Go to candidate update section.
  • Click migration form and enter data.
  • Like migration type, registration number and contact details.
  • You must have to upload your leaving certificate in JPG format.

When the ahead requirments are completed, candidate has to submit the documents to current board, where candidates documents will be verify.Once the process is completed, board will issue a migration certificate to candidate. Candidate has to submit his all documents, leaving certificate and fee to new admission exam board.

The student can take admission in new exam board. Learner will get registration card, migration for registration will take time, it’s necessary to submit whole required documents at a time.

Board Contact Update – BISE Multan

Every student required update about his/her institute, that may be School, College, University or other educational sector. However, students of BISE Multan board can achieve update about 10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board 2025. While using the following table.

DepartmentContact PersonPhone NumberEmail AddressOffice Hours
General InquiriesMr. Ahmad Ali+92-61-9210125info@bisemultan.edu.pk9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Mon-Fri)
Examination BranchMs. Sara Khan+92-61-9210127exams@bisemultan.edu.pk9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Mon-Fri)
Verification DepartmentMr. Rashid Mehmood+92-61-9210128verification@bisemultan.edu.pk9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Mon-Fri)
IT SupportMr. Imran Qureshi+92-61-9210130it@bisemultan.edu.pk9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Mon-Fri)

Oftenly Asked Questions 

What is the 10th class result 2025 Multan board decleared date?

Almost the 10th Class Result is made public in the Month of July or August.

How can I examine the BISE Multan Board 10th Class Result in the best way?

BISE Multan Board 10th class result 2025 can be examine by below ways.

  • Roll Number
  • SMS
  • Name
  • Gazette

What is the deadline for paper rechecks or supplement exams?

Exam board website announces the supplemental exams date with 10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board 2025.


Using BISE Multan Board for 10th Class Result of BISE Multan Board 2025 is one of the easiest method for students, where they can also find result, like 9th class, 10th class, 11th class (First year) and 12th class (2nd year). Candidates can get their results quickly and easily by using different ways, like online checking, SMS, name search, and downloading the Gazette. They can also achieve update about paper rechecking, supplemental exams, result remission or board migration/NOC.