BISE Faisalabad Board 1st Year Class Result 2025
EduHQ is presuming entire the current informations on Faisalabad Board 11th Class Result 2025, where candidates will be inform about their checking results. Like 9th class result, 10th class result, 11th class result (First year) and 12th class result (2nd year). However, intermediate 1st year class result, exam information sheet for the period 2024, was announced by Faisalabad board Punjab education government department.
As the final exams of BISE Faisalabad board for intermediate part 1 were started from 18 June 2025. Well the result of 1st year class for BISE Faisalabad Result will be decleared on 10 October 2025. Keep go to EduHQ ( The Headquarters of Education in Pakistan) for the current informations about whole Pakistan education exam boards.
Examine BISE Faisalabad 10th Year Class Result 2025 here.

Prime update on BISE Faisalabad Board 1st Year Class Result
Quick Facts | 2023 Details | 2024 Details |
Board | BISE Faisalabad | BISE Faisalabad |
Class | 11th/First Year/HSSC Part 1 | 11th/First Year/HSSC Part 1 (F.A, F.Sc, ICS, I.COM) |
Year | 2023 | 2024 |
Exam Type | Annual | Annual |
Total Marks | 550 | 550 |
Result Date | 10-October-2023 | TBD |
Result Announcement Time | 10:10 AM | TBD |
Toppers Announcement | N/A | One day prior to the regular result announcement |
Medals and Prizes | N/A | Awarded to highest scoring candidates |
Exam Start Time | N/A | Morning session begins at 8:30 AM |
Exam Duration | N/A | 3 hours |
Special Timings | N/A | Islamiat paper timings differ from other papers |
Roll Number Slips | N/A | Released one week before the exams |
Faisalabad Board
BISE Faisalabad board starting the matriculation and intermediate exams year. Where thousand of private and regular students present in final yearly examination of Faisalabad board, for Matric SSC (Secondary School Certificate) and Higher Secondary School Certificate annual exams. BISE Faisalabad board hired the professional and well trained faculty teachers to examine papers of entire classes like 9th class, 10th class, 11th class (First year) and 12th class (2nd year). Examine BISE Faisalabad Board 9th Class Result 2025. Keep visiting The Headquarters Of Education In Pakistan for fruther results.
How to Estimate the BISE Faisalabad Board 1st Year Class Result?
Students can examine Faisalabad Board 1st year result 2025, from the formal website of Faisalabad board. They can use the four ways any of them to examine result of BISE Faisalabad Board 1st Year class result. Let’s explain these four ways under for examining results of exam boards. Here you go!
- Roll Number
- Name
- Gazette

Candidates can find entire types of result, while using these four ways. Let’s examine the following exam boards.
BISE Gujranwala Board, BISE Faisalabad Board, BISE Lahore Board, BISE Multan Board, BISE Bahawalpur Board, BISE Sargodha Board, BISE DG Khan Board, BISE Peshawar Board, BISE Swat Board, BISE Karachi Board, BISE Hyderabad Board, BISE Sukkur Board, BISE Larkana Board, BISE Aga Khan Board, BISE Abbottabad Board, BISE Quetta Board, BISE AJK Board, BISE Sahiwal Board, BISE Bannu Board, BISE Mardan Board, BISE DI Khan Board.
Way 1: By Roll Number Examine BISE Faisalabad Board 1st Year Class Result 2025
Examine Your result of 1st year classthrough roll number, using way of roll no, which is broadly used for examine results. Let’s examine result of 1st year class 2025 by such way, just follow the steps under.
visiting the formal website of Faisalabad board.
- Here is the link for Faisalabad board.
- Find for result option.
- Click results, means intermediate result.
- Select the year (2025).
- Write roll number to find your result.
- Examine your result.
Way 2: By SMS Examine Faisalabad Board 1st Year Class Result 2025
Examine your 1st year class result through SMS, which is generally called as offline way for examining results. This way required no internet access if candidate don’t have network approach at his/her home. Let’s examine 1st year class result Faisalabad Board, by using such type of way given below. Let’s follow the steps.
- Take Android Mobile Phone like (Samsung Galaxy, iphone, Nokia ) etc.
- Open SMS application.
- Write your roll no in SMS body.
- Send it to 800240.
- You can achieve result, after 15 minutes from Faisalabad board.
Remember: Students must use an active sim card in own mobile phone. If you have an error with your network, kindly contact the following services companies. Which are listed below.
Way3: By Name Examine 1st Year Class Result Faisalabad Board 2025
Examine 1st year class board result through name, which is used instead of roll number. We use such type of way, when students misplace roll no or misplace own roll number slip card. Let’s examine BISE Faisalabad Board 1st Yrat Class Result 2025,through name. Just follow the steps under.
- Visiting the oddicial website of Faisalabad board .
- Click the link of Google serf.
- Find for result.
- Write your Name.
- Write Father’s Name.
- Choose exam type and find result.
Way 4: By Gazette Examine BISE Faisalabad Board 1st Year Class Result 2025
Examine 1st year class Faisalabad board result through gazette, such type of way is widely used all over the world, to achieve candidates record in pdf form. Every exam board keep their students results record in pdf format on the formal website. Where candidate can examine results online as they desire. Keep in mind to view result, you required the pdf form which can be download from Google Chrome or Google play store. Let’s examine BISE Faisalabad Board 1st Year Class Result 2025 by gazette. Follow the steps under.
- Visitng the official website of Faisalabad on Google Chrome.
- Find for Download option
- Open the gazette.
- Choose the gazette and download it.
- Open with Adobe Acrobat to see your result.
BISE Faisalabad Board 1st Year Class Result 2025 Gazette pdf
Candidates can examine results of gazette by click the pdf format.
BISE Faisalabad Board 1st Year Class Result 2024 Gazette pdf
You can examine BISE Faisalabad Board 1st Year Class Result 2024 Gazette pdf by clicking the button under.
Student may take interest while examining the results of position holders of exam boards. They may search in pdf also.
- Who is the position holder of 9th class 2025 KPK board ?
- Who is the position holder of 9th class 2025 punjab board ?
- Who is the position holder of 9th class 2025 of Sindh board ?
- Who is the position holder of 9th class 2025 of Balochistan ?
- Who is the position holder of 9th class 2025 of AJK board ?
How to Request a Recounting After Achieve a bad Result ?
If you are not well pleased with result of BISE Faisalabad Board 1st year Class Result 2025 and you think that there are some issues, then you can request a recounting of your answer sheets from Faisalabad board. Well such type of error happens during starting evaluation stage, while examining or counting the achieved marks in the exam board.
Let’s discuss the steps for recounting of bad result. Here you are!
- Visiting to the formal website of Faisalabad board.
- Select online services.
- Choose rechecking option.
- Select application form and complete.
- Choose exam type, means Higher Secondary School Certificate Part -1.
- Write your roll no, name and exam session (2025)
- Write your Date of birth, written in your matric result card.
- Choose book (s) you desire to recheck or recount.
- Give address and phone number.
- Click to apply.
Now you can to put in application for challan form.
- Produce Challan online.
- Select exam year as “2025” and the exam type as “Annual”
- Write your name and previous exam roll number.
- Choose fee “Rechecking”
- Click “Download Challan form”
Students can use the following services suppliedd by banks for numerous aggrements about to exam boards, comprising paper rechecking fee, result remission fee, board migration, and online fee submission. Let’s examine online our required service under.
- Exam registration payment
- Paper rechecking payment
- Result reappraisal payment
- Result remission payment
- Board migration payment
- Identical certificate fees
- Transcript fees
Here is the formal links of banks, where you can sort out your issue about to your service.
Habib Bank Limited (HBL), United Bank Limited (UBL) Meezan Bank, Bank of Punjab (BOP), Allied Bank Limited (ABL).
Remember: If marks added or not in rechecking paper answer sheets, candidate fee will not be refund.
How to Apply for Result Cancellation ?
If a student is note well pleased with his/her result and desire to cancel the entire result. Students can apply for result remission. Let’s invalidate your recent result and retake the 1st year class. If you would like to apply for result remission, follow these steps:
- Visitingthe Faisalabad board formal website.
- Choose “Online Services”
- Choose “Result Remission”
- Complete the application form supplied from Faisalabad board.
- Select exam type, means “Higher Secondary School Certificate Part- 1”
- Completely write your name, roll number, and exam period.
- Type date of birth exactly of matric result card.
- Give phone number and address.
- Choose “Entire 11th class” for cancellation.
- Enter to apply.
- Pay fee.
- Generate “Online Challan”
- Choose exam year as “2024” and the exam “Annual.”
- Write your name and previous exam roll number.
- Choose fee for “Result Cancellation”
- Click Download the Challan form.
How to Apply for Supplemental Exams After Achieving the Bad Result
If you would like to make better your marks about 1st Year class! you can apply for supplemental exams. Taking these assessments premits you to pass the books you didn’t pass the first time around.
Let’s examine the steps for supplemental exams.
- Visiting the formal website Faisalabad board.
- OR go to your College’s registration notices.
- Keep practicing for 2nd year class and wait for supplemental exams to come.
- You must enrolled your self in 2nd year class and continue your studies with regular candidates.
- Complete the application form for supplemental exams.
- After accuration, you will achieve 2nd year class examination and supplemental roll no slip.
Visiting the formal website of the BISE Faisalabad board or your college’s enrollment notices.
Board Contact Update
Every candidate required the update about his/her School, College or university. However, here we are providing the update about BISE Faisalabad board, where candidate can link easily. Here you go!
Board Name | Address | Phone | Website | |
BISE Faisalabad | Jhang Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan | +92 41 251 7721 | | |
Offtenly Asked Questions
Can you examine the 1st year class result Faisalabad Board by a mobile app?
Unlakily, there is no formal mobile app for BISE Faisalabad Board 1st year Class Result, to examine result
Is there any limitation to the number of books I can to put in application for rechecking?
No, you can apply for various books for rechecking. It depends on your preference and the books you required to have rechecked.
Can I continue my studies in the 2nd year class while waiting for the supplemental exams?
Yes, you can resume your studies in the 2nd year class and you have to make ready yourself for the supplemental exams too. You will be having two exams one is 2nd year class regular exam and other is supplemental exams.
What occurs if I pass the supplemental exams but fail in some books in the 2nd year class?
Again you have to reappear in 2nd year class failed books, not in pass book of supplemental exams subjects of 1st year class.
Faisalabad candidates can examine result of BISE Faisalabad Board 1st year Class Result. While using the four ways, like roll number, SMS, Name and Gazette. Student can also achieve update on this page about paper rechecking, supplementary exams, result remission and board migration/NOC through EduHQ (The HeadQuarters of Education in Pakistan).