BISE Lahore Board 9th Class Result 2025
BISE Lahore is one of the largest board of Punjab province, started in 1954 under the control of Punjab Education Ministry. The Lahore board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, is responsible for conducting exams of, 9th class, 10th class, 1st year class and 2nd year class. But,candidates of BISE Lahore Board 9th Class Result 2025 appeared for 9th class exams 2025 around 19 March 2025 and results will be decleared on 19 September 2025. Well, the first annual examination of matriculation and intermediate of BISE Lahore was taken in 1955.

Whole the Educational exams board of Pakistan have same strategy of declearing bise result 9th class almost, in district. But having slightly difference district to district. But,BISE Lahore Board 9th Result is responsible for declearing the 9 class result as discussed ahead by BISE Lahore board.

Well, candidates seeking for examining 9th class exam result, 10th year class, 1st year class and 2nd year.
BISE Lahore Board provides this type of facility for candidates to examine their exam results, through roll no, SMS, Name and Gazette. And also for those candidates having demand to do for rechecking papers, supplemental exams, they can to put in application through a proper channel supply via BISE Lahore. Not only for Lahore Board, but also same for other exam boards. Like BISE Gujranwala, BISE Multan, BISE Faisalabad, BISE Karachi, BISE Hyderabad, BISE Sukkur, BISE Larkana, BISE Aga Khan.
Let’s cover everything about Lahore board 9th class result, through many ways like BISE Lahore Board 9th Class, through Roll Number, through SMS, through Name, through Gazette. We will discuss all these ways, step by step under.
How to Examine BISE Lahore Board 9th Class Result 2025
Whole Educational exam boards have same, strategy for searching 9th grade exam result, as we discussed ahead. In order to understand each steps works, be patience we will analyze thoroughly each and everything about Board of Lahore.

Examine BISE Lahore Board 9th Class Result 2025 Through Roll No
Candidate’s favorite way of examine 9th class result by trace roll no bise Lahore is very easy way, but you have acquire of internet connection, without this way of examine BISE Lahore Board 9th Class is not possible. Just have a glance below upon the way please.
- Go to BISE Lahore board formal website.
- Here is link for BISE Lahore.
- Click the Anchor text ahead and go to BISE lahore exam board.
- Explore for recent results and choose “Secondary School Certificate Part- 1 Result”
- Write your roll no.
- Enjoy BISE 9th class result lahore.

Examine BISE Lahore Board 9th Class Result 2025 Through SMS
When you don’t have internet facilty, you can use to examine exam result of 9th class through SMS. This is because, every exam board, attempt to search easiness for candidates about searches regarding exam 9th grade results. But, BISE Lahore Board 9th Class is one of those board exam. However searching regarding bise lahore 9th class result through SMS, you have required of active SIM card like Mobilink, Zong, U-Phone, Telenor etc. Let’s explain everything step by step under.
- You must have a mobile, with an active SIM card.
- Enter your Roll No, in the SMS application.
- Send it to 80029 number of BISE Lahore board.
- you should have sufficient balance, in order to receive 9th class exam result.

Examine BISE Lahore Board 9th Class Result 2025 Through Name
If you misplace your Roll Number of BISE Lahore 9th grade Result 2025, still you have a chance to examine your exam 9th grade through Name. I think it will be also candidate’s favorite way of finding exam result. Because no one misplace his/her own name. That’s why without any interruption, candidates can searchtheir board exam results very easy. Let’s elborate, whole required steps clearly.
- Go to the formal website BISE Lahore Board.
- Here is site link of BISE Lahore Board 9th Class Result.
- Click Anchor text above.
- Explore for tab “Result” choose exam type “Secondary School Certificate Part- 1 Result”.
- Write your Name.
- Enjoy your work hard, about to 9th class exam.

Examine Result of BISE Lahore Board 9th Class Result 2025 Through Gazette
The Last and final way of checking BISE Lahore Board 9th grade . Where candidates can, see a list of whole students, with their 9th class result, here a candidate can search complete detail in PDF format. Such as Roll No, Name, Father Name etc. Let’s explain steps under.
- Visit to the formal website of BISE Lahore.
- Here is formal site of BISE Lahore Board.
- Click Anchor text Lahore Board above.
- Find for 9 grade result and choose “Secondary School Certificate Part -1 Result”.
- Download PDF or check as you want.
- See your 9th class exam result.
If you desire to download the BISE Lahore 9th Class Result Gazette 2024 PDF here.
Click download button below, please.

Such way of search BISE 9 class result is same for whole Educational Exam boards. Like
Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary and Secondary Education (FBISE), Punjab Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (PBISE), Sindh Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (SBISE), Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BBISE), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (KPBISE), Azad Jammu and Kashmir Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (AJK BISE).
How to Apply for Paper Rechecking After a Poor Result
Rechecking papers process is applied, when a candidate is not well pleased with 9 class result. He can go through a thoroughly process of rechecking BISE Lahore Board 9th Result 2025 where a candidate can examine whole his exam paper sheets, according his demand. However, before apply paper rechecking way, student must go to the formal website of BISE Lahore Board, to download rechecking form and the fee challan to sub,mit exam fee of BISE Lahore 9th grade result. Suck type of methodology is used for whole Educational Boards.
Just like:
BISE Gujranwala, BISE Lahore, BISE Faisalabad, BISE Multan, BISE Rawalpindi, BISE Sahiwal, BISE Bahawalpur, BISE Peshawar, BISE Karachi, BISE AJK and so on…
Let’s explain comprehensively the steps for paper rechecking BISE Lahore Board 9 class.
- Go to the formal website BISE Lahore Board.
- Here is website link paper rechecking BISE Lahore Board 9th Class Result 2024
- Click the link above in Anchor text.
- Explore for “paper rechecking”.
- Download form for rechecking paper and fill completely.
- Produce challan form, complete as needed and submit fee.

After finishing whole the ahead processes, you will be called upon from BISE Lahore Board, for paper rechecking. That scenario is somehow different, where you will be face to face with exam board examiner to recheck your paper exam sheets. During rechecking the papers, if any question is remained unmark, means marks are not added in your exam paper answer copy.
The examiner will add marks in your answer copy. Suck type of method will be continue for whole rechecking papers, if an issue not present in your exam paper copy answer sheet. You will be counted with your previous result, no any change will be happen.
Note: If Marks are added or not in your exam copy sheet after paper rechecking, fee will not be refund.

Attestation and Verification of Certificates
Verification and attestation is very important in term of international aim, reason behind is, whenever you are going to apply abroad, for the reason of studies or job purposes. You required have to check your Educational students. Well, I’m here to share with you, such type scenario which personally i did.
I have attested and verified my 9th grade marks sheet, original 10th grade certificate, 1st year class marks sheet, 2nd year class original certificate and my graduation degree and marks sheet as well from my university (Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur) and my Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Larkana.
Each Educational exam board has it’s own rules and regulation of attestation and verification of certificates, But entie having one common way as filling form and paying board’s fee. Let’s explain steps under.
- Go to the formal website BISE Lahore Board.
- Explore for form, challan and download.
- Complete data as per form and challan are needed.
- Submit fee and submit whole documents to board place of work as, I mentioned under.
- Board Examiner will verified your submitted documents and will be return after verification.
- It may take hours or days depend upon the Exam board’s situation.
- I got my submitted documents form BISE Larkana Board after three days.
Here I”m sharing my attested and verified documents with you people in order, to understand the ways easily.

The fee structure is as follows:
Type | Fee |
Attestation within Pakistan | 2400 |
Attestation from Abroad | 3100 |
Verification within Pakistan | 3100 |
Verification from Abroad | 6100 |
How to Reappear in Exams After Failing the Result
If someone failed in 9th class exam, student can reappear in BISE Lahore 9th grade Result 2025. Now, it depend upon where candidate is fail in one or more book of 9 grade exam. But, situation is simple for reappearing in exam of 9 class. Candidate has to complete the form and submit fee for 9th class in coming year, when fresh students filing exam form of 9th grade.
Failure candidate has two exam form, one for 9th grade failed books and other one is for current 10th class exam. During 10th class studies, candidate has to also start preparation for 9th failed books. If he/she passed failed exam paper of 9 grade, marks will be added in exam sheets paper also in marks sheet of candidate, if not candidate once again to put in application for exam 9 in next year.

How to Cancel Your 9th class Result
Cancelling exams of 9th class is candidate dissatisfaction of achieved marks of BISE Lahore Board 9th Class 2024. If candidate cancelled bise lahore 9th result, he/she must go through process of obtaining cancellation form for 9th class from formal website of BISE Lahore Board. Let’s explain those steps of cancellation of exam 9th class.
- Visit to the formal website of BISE Lahore.
- Go to BISE Lahore Board by clicking above anchor text.
- Explore for “Result cancellation” of 9th class exam.
- Download the form complete it and submit fee to a need bank (UBL, HBL, Meezan etc).
- Submit the form along with achieved grades of 9th class result and challan copy.
Applying for result cancellation of 9 class is very important within time. Because time is fixed for such method. But, candidate should have to apply for BISE Lahore class 9 result cancellation around 15 days.

Oftenly Asked Questions
How can I examine my BISE Lahore Board 9th Grade Result 2025 ?
You have four ways by examine BISE Lahore Board 9th Class. 1. Roll No, 2. SMS, 3. Name, 4. Gazette.
What should I do if I’m unsatisfied with my BISE Lahore Board 9th grade Result 2025?
You can satisfy by apply for paper rechecking or supplemental exam to reappear for 9 class exam again.
Can I cancel my BISE Lahore Board 9th Class Result 2025?
Yes, you can cancel your BISE Lahore Board 9th Result 2025, around 15 days of result announcement. If you are failed in some books or desire to make ready your 9 class exam result.
As we discussed various ways in details, Like paper rechecking, result cancellation and supplemental exams of Lahore Board 9th Class Result 2025. Explaining each and everything in detailed is mean by as candidate don’t feel any difficulty. However, those candidates who are failed in 9th class exam, they can make ready their results by apply ways we explained above. Failure is one more forward steps toward success.