1st Year Class Result 2025

Entire exam boards of Pakistan a student can examine 1st year class result 2025, while opening the formal website of the candidate regarding exam board. But, Punjab boards decleared that 1st year class result 2025 will be decleared on 10th october 2025. The HeadQuarters of Education in Pakistan is the only policy where you can find results, Like 9th class, 10th class, 11th class (First year) 12th class (2nd year). Student can also achieve update about paper rechecking, supplemental exam, result remission and board migration or NOC. Let’s check the ways of examining results under.

  • Roll Number
  • SMS
  • Name
  • Gazette
11th Class Result

Students who present in final annual exams of 1st year class 2025 (first year), are looking for their results. Which is awaiting by BISE Punjab boards to be decleared on 10th october 2025, at 10:00 AM. Where entire the candidates of Punjab, will be find their result of their related board.

Like: BISE Gujranwala, BISE Lahore, BISE Faisalabad, BISE Multan, BISE Rawalpindi, BISE Sahiwal, BISE Bahawalpur. Not only this (The HeadQuaters of Education in Pakistan) is a policy for entire those candidates of other classes like Matriculation and Intermediate class result . They may examine their results of Matriculation and Intermediate class result.

Punjab Boards

BISE Multan Board 11th Class Result

Multan Board

KPK Boards

Sindh Boards

BISE Sukkur Board

Sukkur Board

Balochistan & AJK Boards

Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Pakistan 

The Middle and High school candidates are registered in board of intermediate and secondary education. BISEs are liable for running and controlling the exams. Teachers and cadidates are here helped by BISEs, in term of curriculum and by giving standard education resources and aid.

Pakistan’s six province boards, one is in each region and other one is in Islamabad, the federal capital city of Pakistan.
Let’s have examine entire regional boards, the high school boards of Pakistan, are listed under in a separate table.

Punjab Education Boards 

Boards of EducationLocationEstablished YearOfficial Website
BISE, LahoreLahore1954BISE Lahore Official Website
BISE, GujranwalaGujranwala1976BISE Gujranwala Official Website
BISE, FaisalabadFaisalabad1988BISE Faisalabad Official Website
BISE, MultanMultan1968BISE Multan Official Website
BISE, RawalpindiRawalpindi1977BISE Rawalpindi Official Website
BISE, SahiwalSahiwal2012BISE Sahiwal Official Website
BISE, BahawalpurBahawalpur1977BISE Bahawalpur Official Website
BISE Dera Ghazi KhanDera Ghazi Khan1989BISE Dera Ghazi Khan Official Website
BISE, SargodhaSargodha1968BISE Sargodha Official Website

KPK Education Boards 

Boards of Education in KPKLocationEstablished YearOfficial Website
BISE, AbbottabadAbbottabad1990BISE Abbottabad Official Website
BISE, BannuBannu1990BISE Bannu Official Website
BISE, Dera Ismail KhanDera Ismail Khan2003BISE Dera Ismail Khan Official Website
BISE, KohatKohat2002BISE Kohat Official Website
BISE, MalakandMalakand2003BISE Malakand Official Website
BISE, MardanMardan1990BISE Mardan Official Website
BISE, PeshawarPeshawar1961BISE Peshawar Official Website
BISE, SwatSwat1990BISE Swat Official Website

Sindh Education Boards 

Boards of Education in SindhLocationEstablished YearOfficial Website
Aga Khan BoardKarachi2003Aga Khan Board Official Website
BSEK KarachiKarachi1950BSEK Karachi Official Website
BISE, HyderabadHyderabad1961BISE Hyderabad Official Website
BIEK, KarachiKarachi1974BIEK Karachi Official Website
BISE, LarkanaLarkana1995BISE Larkana Official Website
BISE, MirpurkhasMirpurkhas1954BISE Mirpurkhas Official Website
BISE, SukkurSukkur1979BISE Sukkur Official Website

Baluchistan Education Boards 

Boards of Education in BaluchistanLocationEstablished YearOfficial Website
BISE, QuettaQuetta1979BISE Quetta Official Website

Azad Kashmir/AJK Education Boards 

Boards of Education in Azad Kashmir/AJKLocationEstablished YearOfficial Website
BISE, Azad KashmirMirpur1973BISE Azad Kashmir Official Website

Federal Education Boards 

Boards of Education in IslamabadLocationEstablished YearOfficial Website
FBISE, IslamabadIslamabad1975FBISE Islamabad Official Website

How to Examine 1st Year Class Result?

Examining 1st year class Result Online : Candidates can examine 1st year class as discussed ahead. which are

  • Roll No
  • SMS
  • Name
  • Gazette

While examining 1st year class result online. Let’s explain these ways in detailed under

  • Visit to the formal website of your educational Board.
  • Most educational boards in Pakistan supply online portals where candidates can examine their results.
  • There are also some educational websites where you can examine your intermediate results.
  • Explore for 1st year Class result.
  • Write your roll number and other need personal details, like your father’s name or CNIC number.
  • Examine your result.
  • If anyone found any mistake in your results, link your educational Board.

Remember: Examining 1st year class results may differ be dependent on the educational Board. educational Board to make sure that you can examine your results accurately.

Examining 1st year Class Result by SMS/Message: Those candidates who don’t have Net approach at their villages or network issue at their home they can use the Message way to examine 1st year class result. Students also can examine 9th class result, 10th class result and 12th class result. Let’s ellobrate in detail the steps for examining 1st year result through Message.

  • Use an android mobile phone like (Samsung Galaxy, Noki, Opo, iphone) etc.
  • Go to SMS application and open it.
  • Write your Roll Number in SMS form.
  • Send Message to the nominated number supplied by your educational Board.
  • This number is normally announced on the Educational Board’s website.
  • EduHQ supplied tables under where you can search, those numbers.
  • write your Roll no, you may required to type in the SMS in the format supplied by your educational Board.
  • It comprises typing other personal explanation. Like your date of birth or your father’s name.
  • Dispatch the Message.
  • Look for answer from the educational exam Board.
  • It’s hinge upon appeals, this may take a few minutes or more.
  • When you received a answer SMS.
  • Try to view 11th-class result.

Note:  Students must use an active sim card in mobile phone. If you have any problem in your network, Kindly link the following services companies. Which are listed below.

SMS Codes for Punjab Board 

Name of BoardSMS NumberOfficial Website
BISE, Lahore800291BISE Lahore Official Website
BISE, Gujranwala800299BISE Gujranwala Official Website
BISE, Faisalabad800240BISE Faisalabad Official Website
BISE, Multan800293BISE Multan Official Website
BISE, Rawalpindi800296BISE Rawalpindi Official Website
BISE, Sahiwal800292BISE Sahiwal Official Website
BISE, Bahawalpur800298BISE Bahawalpur Official Website
BISE, Dera Ghazi Khan800295BISE Dera Ghazi Khan Official Website
BISE, Sargodha800290BISE Sargodha Official Website

SMS Codes for KPK Education Boards 

Name of BoardSMS NumberOfficial Website
Peshawar Board9818Peshawar Board Official Website
Swat Board8333Swat Board Official Website
Malakand Board8583Malakand Board Official Website
Bannu Board9818Bannu Board Official Website
Mardan Board9818Mardan Board Official Website
Dera Ismail Khan Board9818Dera Ismail Khan Board Official Website
Abbottabad BoardAbbottabad Board Official Website

SMS Codes for Sindh Education Boards 

Name of BoardSMS NumberOfficial Website
BISE, Karachi8583BISE Karachi Official Website
BISE, Hyderabad8583BISE Hyderabad Official Website
BISE, Sukkur80029BISE Sukkur Official Website
BISE, Mirpurkhas8583BISE Mirpurkhas Official Website
Aga Khan Board8583Aga Khan Board Official Website
BISE, Larkana800291BISE Larkana Official Website
Karachi BoardBIEK Karachi Official Website

SMS Codes for Azad Kashmir/AJK Education Boards 

Name of BoardSMS NumberOfficial Website
BISE, AJKBISE AJK Official Website

SMS Codes for Baluchistan Education Boards 

Name of BoardSMS NumberOfficial Website
BISE, BaluchistanBISE Baluchistan Official Website

SMS Codes for Federal Education Boar

Name of BoardSMS NumberOfficial Website
FBISE, IslamabadFBISE Islamabad Official Website

Remember: While scandidate examining 1st year class result through Message, will charge Rs. 2 to 10 Rs.

Examining 1st Year Class Result on School Notice Board

Students can also examine their results of own School board, college board, university board as they be about.
Those candidates who desire to examine 1st year class result, they have to come around their school board and focus for a pin board where the results are put on show.
While examing 1st year class result on your school pin board in Pakistan. Let’s concentrate on steps under.

  • Go to visit your school for 1st year class result examining.
  • Go to pin board where the 1st year class results are exhibited.
  • Explore for your name on the results list showed on the pin board.
  • Fill out to examine your results to make sure that all entered the update is accurate.
  • If any any errors/mistakes found in your results.
  • Kindly inform your school management.

Examine 1st year Class Result by Gazette:

After the declearation of results, like 9th class, 10th class, 11th class and 12th class result. Each candidate attempt to achieve result rapidly and easily. For such type of reason each exam boards supplied the four ways of examining results.

Which are Roll number, Message, Name and Gazette. But, Examining your result by Gazette is very easy you may have to look for the Gazette to be uploaded on your Board’s website. This Gazette is normally issued by the Educational Board and is present at nominated positions like the Board’s place of work or your school. You can also achieve this Gazette in hard copy from the nearby bookstore or shops.

To examine your 1st class result through Gazette, you required to follow these steps:

  • Attempt to achieve copy of the Gazette comprising the 1st year class results.
  • Explore for your name or roll number on the list of results in the Gazette.
  • Make sure that entire the update is accurate.

Note: Students can marks sheet only when candidate examine his/her result 1st year class result online.

Mistake and Their Rectifcation Of Class 1st Year Result Card

Candidates mostly made errors while filling the exams form of 9th class and they make mistakes in spelling mainly in their Name, Father’s Name, cast, religion et cetera. And they decleare that their result cards required to be accurated. Let’s concentrate the following steps to complete the mistakes in time ahead. 

Kinds of Mistakes 

Class 1st year result card may have these errors.

  • Candidate Name Spelling.
  • Father’s name spelling.
  • Book is different. 
  • Achieved marks are accurate.
  • Mistake in book names.
  • Incorrect percentage calculation.
  • Incorrect marks.  

Mistakes Correction in 1st Year Class Result Card 

If a candidate search errors on result card, try to follow the following methos.

Ellobrate with the Relevant Jurisdiction

You can meet up with the jurisdiction face to face in their work of placer, if not then.The call the school or Board that present with you the official documents. Dispatch them an email.

Supply Verification of the Mistake

Student must supply the photocopy of the error result card for the aim of proof.

Appeal for The Error’s Accuration

For such type of method, you may be required of the form to complete about your mistakes.Tell them what’s incorrect and inquire how to fix it.

Request Investigate

You have to uncertain the error is fixed. In addition once again refresh someone’s memory them by accessing the right people after you have dispatch your request. It might take more than one remind to achieve a answer.

Current Informations on 11th Class Result 2025

Entire the educational exam boards of Pakistan comprising Punjab boards, decleare the result of the students on the same day and at the same time. But other regions of Pakistan like Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Balochistan And Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) decleare their exam boards as stated by their exam board time table. Boards are

BISE Gujranwala Board, BISE Faisalabad Board, BISE Lahore Board, BISE Multan Board, BISE Bahawalpur Board, BISE Sargodha Board, BISE DG Khan Board, BISE Peshawar Board, BISE Swat Board, BISE Karachi Board, BISE Hyderabad Board, BISE Sukkur Board, BISE Larkana Board, BISE Aga Khan Board, BISE Abbottabad Board, BISE Quetta Board, BISE AJK Board, BISE Sahiwal Board, BISE Bannu Board, BISE Mardan Board, BISE DI Khan Board.

But, the education member of government desire the education board’s group to take hold of preparation as the begining of the exams to decleare the result on time, where as not waste the time of the candidates for their preparation about the 1st year class exams. Because the current informations on 1st result declearation, that exam will be started on 11th May 2025 and the result of 1st year will be decleared in October 2025.

Result Live Information

Entire the private and regular students can examine their results later the fulfilment of the evaluation methods, which is expected to be finished shortly. But, entire the boards of Pakistan are started the exams of 1st year class, comprises Science, Commerce, and Arts as stated by the particular time table of their exam boars.

Passing Percentage

At least 33% percentage candidate has to achieved in the exam, to pass the 1st year class. Any studente did not achieve 33% percentage, they will not be think about as pass students, they will be fail. They have to reappear in the exam next year. Which is called supplemental exams.

1st Year Class Marking and Grading Projects 

Book Wise Marks List

The marks list of the Obligatory Books in 11th year is mentioned under in the table:

1st Year Class Science Group Subject Wise Grades Distribution 

Subjects namesTotal Marks/SubjectPractical Marks
Compulsory Subjects
Urdu/ Geography100
Tarjuma Tul Quran50
FSc Pre Engineering
FSc Pre Medical
General Science Group (ICS)
Physics (Mathematics is necessary)10030
Computer science10030
Additional Subject
Environmental Science10030

From the ahead table you can effortlessly examine the Book Marks. Like English 100 Urdu 100 Islamiyat 50 etc.

Subject Wise Marks Distribution of 11th Commerce Class Group

Subjects namesTotal Marks/SubjectPractical Marks
Commerce Group (I.Com)
Principles of Accounting10020
Principles of Economics75
Principles of Commerce75
Business Mathematics50

Marks Distribution of Optional Subjects In F.A (Arts Group) 

Subjects namesWritten Paper MarksPractical Marks
Group I
English Literature
Group II
Fine Arts30
Group III
Islamic History
World History
Physical Education30

Remember: Those students, who select an arts group, they must select two elective books .

Grading Criteria of 11th Class in 2022 

PercentageGradeRemarksGrade Points
80% or aboveA+Exceptional4.0
70% or above but below 80%AExcellent3.5
60% or above but below 70%BVery Good3.0
50% or above but below 60%CGood2.5
40% or above but below 50%DFair2.0
Below 40% to minimum passingESatisfactory1.0

Note: The grading criteria for the 2024-2025 educational year will be display later revision by the BISEs. 

Well entire those candidates taking, students must make sure they have read and finished understand the marking criteria and mark awarding. This resolution will help in the student’s organization of their studies and enhance their golden chances of performance well in the examination.

Revised Policies for Intermediate 

Policies concerning to passing marks percentage, in every book and those new bbok launched in intermediate syllabus are mention under.

  • Passing Marks Criteria for 1st Year Class 
  • New Subjects for Intermediate 

Passing Marks Criteria for 1st Year Class: Entire those educational exam boards of Pakistan comprising:

Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary and Secondary Education (FBISE), Punjab Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (PBISE), Sindh Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (SBISE), Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BBISE), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (KPBISE), Azad Jammu and Kashmir Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (AJK BISE).

The ahead exam boards of entire regions of Pakistan, that a student must have to achieved at least 40% of Marks in every book of annual examination. In addition the students who failed the exam, must have to retake the exam.

New Books for Intermediate : The 11th Class (First year) syllabus has been new, Tarjamah Tul Quran and Practical Geography have been added, all these will be begin for the next year school.

Well it’s good news for candidates of 1st year and 2nd year, that they will alter their books in intermediate syllabus.

Supplemental Exams Platform for 1st Year Class  

Candidates who are failed in their exams, they will have another golden chance for the supplemental exams. Where the students will appear in the exams, if they achieve good marks in the exam of supplemental, candidate will be next class, in addition candidate has to go in previous class to make better.

Candidate must have to appear for his/her paper on the particular time given by the exam board, he related. In addition candidate must give  entire the books collectively in the next school year.
Same like other exam taking criteria, candidate will be allocate with.

  • Roll Number
  • Name
  • And the subject, student selected.

Command for Re-appearing in Class 1st Year Class Exams 

  • Those candidates, who took the Inter Part I and II (Supplemental) Examination in an educational year and proceed one or two courses can recover those exams up to the Part I and II (Annual) Examination in a specific academic year.
  • Students who failed in more than two books,they will have to recover Parts I and II.
  • Candidates who didn’t pass the Part I & II (Supplemental) Examination, they can to put in application and pay for the Part I & II (Yearly) Examination, 2019, as per the Board’s rules.
  • Candidates who desire to recount their papers must put forward an online application via the BISE website within 15 days of the results being announced.
  • Candidates who desire to make better their grades can retake the test in Part I, Part II, or both books with only one golden chance. It will be complete within two years of passing the exam in the same boards and subjects in the recent syllabus.

Oftenly Asked Questions 

How can I Examine my 1st year class result?

  • Go to formal website your exam board.
  • Examine your 1st result, by clicking the website.
  •  OR dispatch by your roll number, given via your board.
  • You can also examine results for the 1st year Class by Gazette.

Can candidates fail 1st Year class?

If a student’s is failing a 1st year marks. If you did not pass the science books in 1st year grade, you have to take the another exam for the courses you are failed.

What are the minimum scores to pass in the 1st year Class?

At the minimum 40%, in every book to pass the 1st year class.


Candidate can achieve better knowledge later reading and analyzing the article through the EduHQ (the HeadQuarters of Education). With aid of EduQH you can rapidly examine your results like 9th class result, 10th class result, 11th result and 12th class result. You wil also achieve update about to intermediate result examining, score distribution, and grading.